The pressure cooker led directly to the invention of the steam engine.
How famed realist Edward Hopper came to illustrate five issues of Adventure magazine.
Heralded for his food, the enslaved cook headed the first presidential kitchen.
The Technology Behind CBS' Super Bowl I Broadcast
Engaging with new media is no longer a dalliance for the history profession in the misinformation age.
Madeira taxes stoked tensions, then paid for the war.
We could have had a very different World Series.
Is it the modern lexicographer’s job to protect the English language, or to document it?
A tragically named Puritan who stood trial for allegedly siring demonic piglets.
Americans have been trying to keep their opponents from voting for three centuries.
From whom, how, and why Benjamin Franklin plagiarized his famous proverbs
The story of a seventeenth-century fornication trial in Massachusetts Bay
The story of America's first banned book.